Community Garden and Herb Garden

Grow Organic

We offer an opportunity for your family to grow organic food with other families. It’s a learning opportunity for you to explore growing and eating your own organic produce, (free of pesticides and artificial fertilizers). Gardens of Delight offers classes in gardening and also connects you to many classes offered within our community to learn more about all the topics of gardening.  We have several socials throughout the summer providing fun suppers, and working together on group projects.


You’ll receive a 10 foot by 20 foot plot in which you can grow vegetables. If you are a single, we can partner you with others who may also want to share a plot. Dividing the cost and the produce is an excellent way to gain new friendships at a reasonable rate. Responsibilities include weeding and watering your own plot, and helping to maintain the garden paths. The cost for 1 individual family plot per season is $195, which helps to cover our supplies and watering expenses for the growing year, April through October.

Shared Plots

Our community also grows some crops together as a group to share, like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, and strawberries. Each family helps in the responsibility of keeping each shared plot weed free and watered. We all provide upkeep on the garden paths and the fencing. This is a great opportunity to join with others and learn! 

Herb Gardens

We are now growing herbs for use in our herbal teas, and we will have plenty to also share with you. Please contact us directly to come and cut herbs for your use. Just $3.50 for each 1 ounce bundle. Call 816-584-0777 or email to come and cut your own herbs.

Volunteer with Us

We are looking for gardeners who desire to spend time volunteering in the garden. Come and get your feet planted in the soil, soak in some sunshine, commune with nature, meet new friends and work the soil, tend the plants. Your rewards are many, including some fresh organic gardens veggies. Contact to volunteer. Or call us at 816-584-0777.