CoreStar Energy Healing School

CoreStar Information

We offer a three-year certification program for those who want to work towards healing themselves and assist others on their journey to wholeness.

Three-year certification: designed to assist the healership journey by teaching energy techniques, energy perception sensing, and providing coaching and guidance on the healership process. The classes are comprised of a combination of (A) imparting information; (B) providing hands-on experience with supervision and mentoring; and (B) leading meditative reflection and inquiry.

The first year of study, Foundations is getting an introduction to the way that energy works, how to perceive energy, and how to work with the human energy field. The student will begin to use high sense perception skills and have a greater understanding of the chakra system, and a working knowledge of the levels of the human energy field. Foundation level (hands-on) skills are taught during the first year. There are 6, (4-day) Intensives in the first year.

The second and third years are comprised of 10 four-day Intensives, which build on the knowledge gained in the first year, we teach additional and more complex healing techniques, expand and refine the students’ high sense perceptions of the energy field, and help the students travel into the core questions of their own healing and the healership process that relates to becoming a healer.

A principal goal is to achieve a balance that helps students bring into being their own unique healership, combining all the teachings from Core Star with all the other modalities, gifts, and particular talents that the student possesses.

 The 10 intensives are offered at the rate of five per year. The second year of training, called Ascension and the third year of training, called Manifestation, comprise the Core Star Advanced Healing Training.

Graduation will be upon completion the Foundations year and of all ten advanced intensives.