Wellness Therapy Offerings

Energy Healing

Access greater self awareness and empowerment through the process of discovering and releasing life challenges, blocks, old patterns, and limiting beliefs through the art of Energy Healing. Gain tools and a much larger self-perspective, which brings you in touch with your inner joy and a sense of well-being.

First session: 90 minutes, $100

  1. Spend time discussing your healing goals, what you’d like to accomplish for the short term, and the long term.

  2. We’ll spend time covering your background history and any symptoms and life challenges that have occurred along the way.

  3. Establish a plan of healing that may involve energy work, aromatherapy, healing herbs, yoga, and meditation

Following sessions: 60 minutes
(fee based on sliding scale)
Continue at your own pace through the process of self healing and change. We meet for one hour each month and as time unfolds you begin restoring balance for your health, emotional life, and your relationships.

Doorways once closed to you begin to open and your path becomes clearer. Taking forwards steps as you release old fears becomes much easier to do. Life unfolds as a natural flow of self discovery, providing you with greater peace and a sense of well-being.

Watch a Video About Energy Healing Here

Herbal Wellness

Many people are discovering the benefits of using herbs for greater health and well-being. An herbal practitioner can assist in helping you to create a balanced life through finding the right tea, salve, extract, capsule or herbal blend to promote greater health, this is the practice of herbal wellness.

A huge component of herbal wellness is education, by helping clients to discover a method that works for them, and which plants to choose for headache, ear infection, sore throat, digestive issues, pms, menopause, and much more. Learning about each stage of life from infancy through wise elder years and choosing proper herbal remedies for each stage is our expertise: having a thorough understanding of each system of the body, and teaching you about the herbs which will support each system is fundamental in creating better health.

At Gardens of Delight you will find the education and the support you desire in taking care of yourself in all stages of life. We also offer monthly classes in the use of herbal preparations, teas, and remedies.


Aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils for the purpose of bringing greater balance, health and well-being to the body, mind and spirit. An aromatherapist is a person who is trained in the properties of each therapeutic plant oil, and has proper training in the safety and application and blending of oils for his or her clients. An aromatherapist may massage the oil into the body, or blend an oil for inhalation, or the client may take the oil for use during a bath or within a salve or lotion. The aromatherapist will educate her clients on safe use and the therapeutic qualities of the plants. Through the use of the oils, clients benefit by receiving the life-enhancing qualities (oxygen, nutrients physical and emotional healing), which may bring great relief and comfort during times of illness, stress and exhaustion. Essential oils have been used for centuries for the purpose of healing the body, mind, and spirit.

Doula - Birthing Assistant for Mothers

A doula can be with you for all the support and encouragement you need, providing gentle massage, breath awareness, aromatherapy, yoga positioning, and helping you to relax, and to "breathe" your baby into the world. A calm mother and father, create a calm birth experience for their baby. Having a doula to support you through this amazing miracle called birth is something you'll want to experience. Most Mom's experience a more peaceful and empowered childbirth when using a doula.

Prior to Birth

Join us for weekly pre-natal Yoga classes to gently ease and relax muscles, release tight hips and lower back. Learn breathing techniques and guided visualizations to calm the mind and relax the body. Then at the 15 week point we meet for 3 private sessions to discuss and prepare a birth plan, discuss comfort measures during the birth experience, and blending of essential oils and intro to aromatherapy. We’ll discuss how Dad can be a part of the special day, and address any and all concerns about having a happy and healthy childbirth experience.

Day of the Birth

We meet, no matter what the hour, to begin preparation for the birth. Whether at home with a midwife, at a birthing center or hospital, I am your ally and support provider. I have words of comfort and assurance, provide staff communication, personal comfort and care, yoga positioning, aromatherapy with gentle massage, and encouragement all through the birthing process.


  • "Lynn at Garden of Delight gave me an Aroma Therapy session the other day. It was so relaxing! I loved her process checking for health issues by discussing, measuring how my body was responding and then using wonderful oils that targeting me individually. She setup a nice trusting environment that made me feel comfortable and interested in her technique. What I want in a treatment can be found at the Garden of Delight - a comfortable clean place, where the people are friendly and where the latest holistic treatments are used. Lovely!"


  • "Energy healing is like taking a journey back into your childhood, facing the times of emotional pain and suffering, peeling back the layers to show you a new perspective. The Energy Healing process allows you to let go, helping you see events unfold in a new way, and allowing that new vision to heal you and see the positive aspects of the events."


  • "Lynn has done several sessions of energy healing work with me. She’s very skilled, highly intuitive and a wonderfully calming presence. Those sessions were relaxing, rewarding and very healing. I’ve also taken many classes from Lynn on herbal medicine, cooking w/herbs, gardening and even chakra work. She’s very knowledgeable about a wide variety of herbs and knows how to use them to full advantage. She’s always well prepared for class and provides a ton of information and hands-on experiences. In short, she’s an excellent healer and a gifted teacher."
