CoreStar Energy

Healing School

Healing Through the Human Energy Field

  • Core Star Energy Healing School

    Core Star Energy Healing School is now under the ownership of Lynn Soulier, Gardens of Delight. This new ownership comes with new practitioners, updated curriculum and more.

  • Celebrating 29 Years of Transformation

    Now in its 29th year, Core Star Energy Healing School continues to provide life changing personal transformation and healing.

  • Hands-On Approach

    Our School teaches hands-on healing techniques to help yourself and others. We implement these goals by individual one-to-one healing sessions, and by a series of workshops, seminars and classes. All are designed to help people with their own self-healing, and where appropriate, to train people in techniques to work with others.

  • Testimonials

    Alice came in because she felt low in energy, and emotionally was dissatisfied with her life. She felt aimless and without direction. After four sessions, she had much better energy, and found a sense of meaning in the activities she undertook.

    Frank accomplished his healing purpose in only one session. He was unclear about why he was feeling so negative about the job that only six months before had been his life-long dream. In feedback involving his patterns of energy, he gained a sense of understanding, and resolved the negative feelings.

  • Testimonials

    Many paths lead to exploring energy healing either as a healer or a healee … Notice my new word. My route was a little twisted. I had been doing massage for 20 years for a living and had been asked many questions about different types of energy healing. I have to be honest, I was quite the skeptic. I tend to be left-brained and it just sounded like a bunch of hooey. Ironically, I would actually do energy on my clients when asked and was having good success. I decided to go to an energy healer so I could give an honest opinion on the viability of energy healing. Actually, I was just trying to give myself an excuse to say it was hokum. After 6 months of going, I had convinced myself that it was doing nothing for me.

    But ... when I did an honest evaluation of my interactions with others, I discovered that my interactions with friends and family had gotten unbelievably better. So, in my logical way, I decided it must work and therefore I joined the second group of Core Star classes back in 2000 and clearly my view has changed completely.

Discover Core Star

4821 N. Helena Ave, Kansas City, MO 64151

  • Jim Crabtree founded Core Star Energy Healing School more than 29 years ago. He is the founder of the three-year Core Star Healing Training. He is the originator of the 7-step process for connecting with the Wholeness Intention and is author of The Seven Windows to Wholeness. Click here to learn more.

  • We currently have four faculty members - Lynn Soulier, Karen Marie, Dawn Adams and Denny Fitterling. Learn more about each of our faculty members here.

  • View the Core Star Alumni Directory Here

  • Click here to learn more about pricing, lodging, class schedule and more.

  • We are currently in the process of creating unique stand alone workshops to help you in your journey to healing.

  • Click here to apply.

    Email your application to Call (816) 584-0777 for application questions.

  • Stay up to date with all our exciting progress and programs with our newsletter - sign up here.

    Read August's Newsletter and its links:

    August Newsletter

  • Stand Alone Energy Workshops are for former Core Star Energy School graduates. For more information, email Lynn Soulier at

Are You a Core Star Energy Healing School Alum?

We want to hear from you! We are building a Core Star Alumni Directory. Please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you to confirm your graduation date and information for the directory.


Gardens of Delight